Quality of life and time since diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus among the elderly
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Quality of life and time since diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus among the elderly
Luciano Ramos de Lima,Silvana Schwerz Funghetto,Cris Renata Grou Volpe,Walterlânia Silva Santos,Mani Indiana Funez,Marina Morato Stival
Abstract Objectives: To evaluate the quality of life of the elderly with Diabetes Mellitus and to relate the time since diagnosis of diabetes with the quality of life of elderly persons receiving care at a basic health unit. Method: A cross-sectional quantitative study carried out in a Basic Health Unit with 196 elderly persons. For data collection, three instruments were used: one structured (sociodemographic and clinical variables) and the Whoqol-bref and Whoqol-old, with scores ranging from 0 to 100. Descriptive statistical analysis, Student’s T-test and Pearson’s correlation were performed. Results: Of the 196 diabetic patients, the majority were male (54.6%) with a mean age of 67.5 (±6.5) years. The mean time since diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus was 9.1 years. The domains of the Whoqol-bref with the highest scores, indicating better quality of life, were Social Relations and Psychological, while a worse quality of life was observed in Environment. The facets of the Whoqol-old with the best scores were: Intimacy and Past, Present and Future Activities, and the worst was Death and Dying. The domains associated with one another were Physical and Psychological, Physical and Social Relations, and Psychological and Environmental. The associated aspects were Past, Present and Future Activities and Social Participation. Elderly persons with more than ten years of Diabetes Mellitus had worse quality of life scores in Physical (p=0.001), Social relations (p=0.002), and in the Autonomy (p=0.0012), Social Participation (p=0.041) and Death and Dying (p=0.001) facets. Conclusion: The time of diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus was negatively associated with the quality of life of the elderly, with worse scores in most domains and facets of the Whoqol.
Resumo Objetivos: Avaliar a qualidade de vida dos idosos com diabetes mellitus e relacionar o tempo do diagnóstico do diabetes com a qualidade de vida desses idosos atendidos em uma unidade básica de saúde. Método: Estudo quantitativo, de desenho transversal realizado em Unidade Básica de Saúde com 196 idosos. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados três instrumentos: um estruturado (variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas), os escores do Whoqol-Bref e Whoqol-Old variam de 0 a 100. Foram realizados: análise estatística descritiva, teste t de Student e correlação de Pearson. Resultados: Dos 196 diabéticos, a maioria era do sexo masculino (54,6%) com idade média de 67,5 (±6,5) anos. O tempo médio do diabetes mellitus foi de 9,1 anos. Os domínios do Whoqol-Bref com maiores escores, indicando melhor qualidade de vida Relações Sociais e Psicológico, e uma pior qualidade de vida observada foi Meio Ambiente. As facetas do Whoqol-Old com melhores escores foram: Intimidade e Atividades passadas, presente e futura e a pior foi Morte e Morrer. Os domínios associados entre si foram o Físico e Psicológico, Físico e Relações Sociais, e Psicológico e Meio Ambiente. As facetas associadas foram Atividades passadas, presente e futuras e Participação Social. Os idosos com mais de 10 anos de diabetes mellitus apresentaram piores escores de qualidade de vida no Físico (p=0,001), Relações Sociais (p=0,002), e nas facetas Autonomia (p=0,0012), Participação Social (p=0,041), Morte e Morrer (p=0,001). Conclusão: O tempo de diagnóstico do diabetes mellitus associou negativamente na qualidade de vida dos idosos evidenciando piores escores na maioria dos domínios e facetas do Whoqol.
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Diabetes Mellitus,Elderly,GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY,Geriatric Nursing,Primary Health Care,Quality of Life